Property sales

Property sales

Price Rating

If you want to we make free price estimate for your apartment. Price is affected by many factors the home's condition, location and market situation as well. Buyers are very price and quality conscious. If the price is right, the sale can be very quickly. right pricing is a very important part of selling. If the asking price is too high, the housing may remain on the market for long periods. We are negotiating with the seller, the right selling price.


Our company currently has over 30 partners on the Costa Blanca with whom we are in contact on a weekly basis. We advertise our products on various online portals and social media platforms. After signing a sales agreement for a property, we inform all agencies about the listing, ensuring a very broad customer base.

Our web pages

Our Web site has more than 1000 visitors every week. Here you'll find information of apartments. For each item that has a lot of graphics that have not been modified, the map of where the apartment is located, as well as information on the subject. In addition, our website has a wealth of other information.

Database of buyers

Our company database is a registry of potential buyers who have visited our office, or been approached about buying a home. When the correct item is found, we'll notify of for the buyers.  We will send a newsletter to all customers who have registered with the database. The newsletter is sent approximately every 3 months.

Sales Signboard

Normally we put signboard outside your apartment, with is our company's information. However, if you want to sell your apartment quietly, it is of course also possible. For this, we agreed with the owner at all times. Sale sign helps homeowners sell because customers will identify areas which sees the object of the sale, and may request information from us.

Contact us and request a brokerage offer for your property!

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